Business opportunity in the heart of the city
The City of Selkirk has developed its Downtown Selkirk Renewal Strategy to continue building a vibrant, safe, and attractive downtown core. This plan builds on the momentum established over the past ten years, which has seen significant investment in residential development and new business downtown. As the downtown is the most visible representation of community pride and an indicator of economic health, this is an important initiative for the city.
The Downtown Selkirk Renewal Strategy is guided by five strategic directions.
- Capitalizing on City assets
- Promoting mixed land use development
- Redesigning and beautifying downtown streets
- Enhancing parks & open green spaces and promoting recreation and cultural activities
- Promoting active transportation
To encourage investment and stimulate commercial enterprises, the City significantly enhanced Manitoba Avenue East between Main Street and Eveline Street. The Avenue’s unique character was brought back to life while modernizing specific elements. An upgraded pedestrian and active transportation pathway was installed, planters and additional street trees planted, seasonal patio locations created, and two beautiful pocket parks were created complete with benches, public art, and activity spaces. The results are coming to fruition and creating a host of business opportunities including new retail shops, services, restaurants and even residential development.
For more information about Selkirk’s Development Opportunities, please go to the Downtown Selkirk Renewal Strategy Report and contact:
Tim Feduniw
Director of Sustainable Economic Development
Tel: 204-785-4953
Email: [email protected]