expanding economic hubs
Selkirk is a place where businesses and industries cluster and flourish. Selkirk is home to Manitoba’s steel production with a global reach that supports advanced manufacturing operations here and abroad.
Selkirk is Western Canada’s steel hub, with recycled clean steel being produced and utilized across North America. As the sector grew, local and regional operations developed an integrated supply chain, unique expertise, and have adopted sustainable practices. With critical mass to support additional businesses and inherent competitive advantages, Selkirk is the ideal location for new steel processors, manufacturers, and investors.
The reliable supply of clean steel produced in Selkirk provides the local downstream processors and manufacturers unique efficiencies and has created a synergistic ecosystem. The proximity of manufacturers to suppliers, inventory, and customers lowers transportation costs and drives competitive advantage. The growing number of associated industries working in Selkirk has fostered a highly skilled workforce with in-depth expertise. These factors have led the city to focus on building capacity and opportunities within this constellation of businesses, making Selkirk the optimal city for new investment.
Across the world, governments and investors are committing vast amounts of capital to circular economies — interconnected sustainable businesses, where the byproduct of one operation becomes the source material of another. Selkirk’s circular economy revolves around the massive recycling output of Gerdau and their partnerships with other local operations that form a uniquely efficient economy. Harnessing this eco-system and its inherent opportunities is on the cluster development agenda.
For insights into Selkirk’s investment opportunities on our circular economy, please contact:
Tim Feduniw
Director of Sustainable Economic Development
Tel: 204-785-4953
Email: [email protected]