Business Support
These initiatives support economic growth and job creation by helping businesses to begin and expand their markets and facilities, adopt new technologies and processes to improve productivity, and create / increase business capacity to participate in global markets and integrate into global value chains.

Community Futures North Red
Community Futures North Red is one of 16 Manitoba CFDC’s who work to strengthen the economies of rural communities through the provision of business financing and community development services. Community Futures North Red delivers the Community Futures Program to the City of Selkirk to strengthen the economies of rural communities through the provision of business financing and community development services.
Community Futures North Red has various loan programs that helps local business ventures. These programs are for individuals starting or expanding their business. These include Business Loans up to $150,000, Youth Loan Financial Assistance, Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Financial Assistance, and a Self-Employment Program.
Community development at Community Futures North Red involves assisting a community to identify its own resources; its own needs and helps to identify a process to initiate action to make things happen. This involves strategic planning activities, education and training activities, and information gathering.
Selkirk Biz
Selkirk Biz is the local area chamber of commerce. They provide members with networking opportunities, promotion, advocacy, education and more. The Selkirk & District Chamber of Commerce began as “The Board of Trade of the Town of Selkirk” on December 6, 1901 and serves as the voice of the business community.

small business venture capital tax credit
The Small Business Venture Capital Tax Credit Program (SBVCTC) assists eligible small corporations to issue new equity to primarily new investors. Under the program, the small corporation will be able to issue up to a limit of $10 million of new equity that will be eligible investments for the SBVCTC.
The SBVCTC is not a tax benefit for the eligible corporation. It provides a personal tax credit to eligible investors in the corporation. Eligible investors who purchase eligible investments are able to earn a 45% non-refundable provincial tax credit up to an annual limit of $202,500 in provincial tax credits.
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) is the industry association providing a range of services and focused on helping local manufacturers grow. The vision of the CME is to ensure that all current and future needs of manufactures are addressed through a range of both existing and new resources. As a network hub, CME works as a catalyst, promoter, trainer, and facilitator of these connections, making Manitoba a leading manufacturing and exporting location.

World Trade Centre - Business InfoCentre
World Trade Centre – The Business InfoCentre (BIC) provides guidance on the steps for setting up, growing, or expanding your business including business information, seminars, customized research, and tools & resources.
BizPal provides online service that provides simplified access to information on the permits, licenses, approvals, certifications, registrations, and other requirements needed to establish and run a business.
For more information about Selkirk’s Incentives and Support, please go to Government Programs in our Data and Maps: Site Selection Tables.