Valuable takeaways
Get the latest news, studies, and reports on what’s going on in Selkirk and the region with community documents covering industry assessments, project announcements, and more, compiled by the City and third-party contributors.

City of Selkirk’s Strategic Plan
City’s strategic plan that includes 20 key goals grouped under five Strategic Priorities.
Climate Change Adaptation Strategy
The City of Selkirk’s long-term sustainable asset management strategy that focuses delivering services in a way that does not compromise the needs of future generations.
Capital Asset Management Strategy
This document has been created to define and clarify a broad vision and philosophical framework for the City’s Capital Asset Management Program.
Red River Planning District (RRPD) Development Plan
This is a long-range land use plan that reflects the region’s broad development goals. The region is made up of the City of Selkirk, RM of St. Andrews, RM of St. Clements, RM of West St. Paul, Village of Dunnottar, and the RM of East. St. Paul.
Red River Planning District Background Report
This document provides the insights to the development of the RRPD Development Plan.
Selkirk West End Concept Plan
This is the overall vision of the development planned for the West End area of Selkirk. It consists of a new-mixed-use village, surrounding neighbourhoods, and is connected to an open space system.
Downtown Selkirk Renewal Strategy
The Strategy provides a plan of action that focuses on achieving the long-term vision for the City of Selkirk’s downtown.
City of Selkirk By-Laws & Definitions
This is the City of Selkirk Zoning By-law that applies to all lands within the limits of the city in the province of Manitoba.
selkirk business park Brochure
The land is City-owned and immediately available for purchase within the development. Full services include electrical (96% renewable energy), responsibly sourced natural gas, water, wastewater, and telecommunications/high-speed fibre optic.
pittsburg avenue development brochure
Situated in along Pittsburg Avenue between Sophia Street and Main Street. Designated as Strip Commercial (C3) – Multi-tenant sites for retail business and administrative land uses.